Welcome to Hatfield Masjid
Islamic Cultural Centre
1st Jummah prayer starts at
12:30. 2nd Jummah prayer starts at 13:10 sharp.Please arrive on time to make sure that you get a space and observe the strict parking policies.
Hatfield Masjid & ICC would like to express our gratitude for continuously showing us support both in person and through donations to our great cause.
Jazakallahu Khairan

About Us
We are a Muslim community in Hatfield, that was founded in 2004. We first started praying in a garage located in old Hatfield where we held only Jummah and Taraweeh prayers, in which we only had around 5-10 people praying at a time. Since then we have been trying to help out in the community to make it easier for local muslims to pray.
Gradually we grew in numbers and then we had to move to a larger facility to accommodate more people. Over the years we have used the facilities in a youth centre to accommodate our prayers. Alhamdulillah, in this youth centre we have people praying Jummah, Taraweeh and Eid Salah.
Alhamdulillah, with everyone's ongoing duas, we have found and purchased a place for our own Masjid which is now undergoing planning.
We have commited to do the work of Allah (S.W.T) by making it easier for local Muslims to complete their daily prayers. We ask Allah (S.W.T) to make it easy for us and to make it heavy on our scales. Please kindly remember us in your duas.

Uthman ibn Affan reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 439, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 533
We are raising money to help build the new masjid in Hatfield to help facilitate the local Muslims, where there will be daily Jamah salah, activities and classes. We need money to rebuild the current building which is currently uninhabitable due to its condition and to provide valuable educational resources for the local Muslims. Insha'Allah with everyones donation and dua we will be able to pursue our goal. We need to raise £300,000 in order to achieve our goals. This will be the first masjid built in Hatfield, help us to become a part of history and gain a great reward for both your Dunya and Akhirah.

Click the button above or scan the QR code to donate
If you want 100% donation to avoid transaction fees please use bank transfer using the details below.
Bank Transfer
Account Name: Hatfield Masjid & Cultural Centre (Barclays Bank)
Sort Code: 20-05-73 Account Number: 13179893
Pay via PayPal through the friends and family option to hatfieldmasjidicc@gmail.com
These are the proposed designs for the new Masjid, waiting to be approved by the local authorities.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Current Prayers Address
Breaks Manor,
Link Drive ,
Hatfield AL10 8TP
New Masjid
58, St Albans Road East
Hatfield, England, AL10 0EH
Tel: 0783 739 1234
Email: hatfieldmasjidicc@gmail.com